Building a CRUD Application in Laravel: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Aspiring Laravel Programmers

Laravel, a powerful PHP framework, offers an elegant and efficient way to develop web applications. Its simplicity and expressive syntax make it a favorite among developers. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of creating a basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application in Laravel—a fundamental skill for any Laravel programmer.

Setting Up Laravel Environment

Firstly, ensure you have Laravel installed. If not, you can swiftly set it up via Composer:


composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel crud-app


This command will create a new Laravel project named 'crud-app'.

Database Configuration

Next, configure your database settings in the `.env` file. Laravel uses this file to manage environment-specific configurations.









Creating a Model and Migration

In Laravel, a model represents a table in the database. Let's create a model and migration for our application:


php artisan make:model Item -m


This command generates a model named 'Item' and its migration file. We'll use this model to interact with our database.

Database Migration

In the generated migration file (`database/migrations/*_create_items_table.php`), define the schema for the 'items' table:


public function up()


    Schema::create('items', function (Blueprint $table) {








Run the migration to create the 'items' table in your database:


php artisan migrate


Creating Routes

Define the routes for CRUD operations in `routes/web.php`:


use App\Http\Controllers\ItemController;

Route::resource('items', ItemController::class);


Generating Controller

Generate a controller to handle CRUD operations for items:


php artisan make:controller ItemController --resource


Implementing CRUD Operations

Now, let's fill in the CRUD functionalities in `ItemController.php`. The controller contains methods for handling create, read, update, and delete operations.

### Create Operation

Implement the `store()` method to store new items:


public function store(Request $request)


    $data = $request->validate([

        'name' => 'required',

        'description' => 'required',



    return redirect()->route('items.index')->with('success', 'Item created successfully!');



Read Operation

Implement the `index()` method to display all items:


public function index()


    $items = Item::all();

    return view('items.index', compact('items'));



Update Operation

Implement the `update()` method to update items:


public function update(Request $request, Item $item)


    $data = $request->validate([

        'name' => 'required',

        'description' => 'required',



    return redirect()->route('items.index')->with('success', 'Item updated successfully!');



Delete Operation

Implement the `destroy()` method to delete items:


public function destroy(Item $item)



    return redirect()->route('items.index')->with('success', 'Item deleted successfully!');



Creating Views

Create views for displaying items, adding new items, and editing items. Use Blade templating engine to design these views (`resources/views/items/*.blade.php`).

Congratulations! You've now built a basic CRUD application in Laravel. This step-by-step tutorial serves as a foundation for Laravel programmers, allowing them to grasp the essential concepts of building robust web applications using Laravel's powerful features. Dive deeper into Laravel's documentation and explore more advanced functionalities to further enhance your skills as a Laravel developer.
